Thursday, March 29, 2007

Gettysburg Without Chamberlain

Imagine the Battle of Gettysburg without the leadership and courage of men such as Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamerlain of the 20th Maine Infantry, a.k.a., the Lion of the Round Top. Thanks to Chamberlain's quick-thinking strategic maneuver and bold stand in the face of defeat, the Union Army held their important position atop Little Round Top on July 2, 1865, and in part turned the tide of the battle which turned the tide of the Civil War. Without Chamberlain's efforts on that fateful day, it is unknown whether or not the North would have won the war.

As Hugh Hewitt points out in a recent article, the Republican party is currently in need of a Joshua Chamberlain in Congress to stand the high ground on Iraq and defend the purpose.

Here is Hewitt's insightful yet discouraging read about the current state of the GOP.

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