Saturday, December 30, 2006

Steve Camp on Saddam's Execution

I would be doing a disservice to anyone who reads this blog if I didn't post a link to Steve Camp's excellent post on Saddam's execution. I am always blessed by his posts, and as usual, was very pleased to read his thoughts on the death of Hussein. Here's an exerpt from the post:

But God “takes no delight” in Saddam’s death… Because at the moment of his last breath he entered everlasting perdition and now has knowledge of his torment; of the Lordship of Jesus Christ; the eternal plight of his sin; the futility of the Islamic faith; and has but tasted of God’s holy wrath—for one day, he will receive a physical body in which he will suffer and be tortured night and day forever and ever without relief or reprise by the wrath of a holy God. It is a punishment the weight of which no man can fathom in this life. Saddam has been under the wrath of God all of his life (John 3:36); but he now knows the realty of such divine anger. He is conscience; he is suffering; and he is eternally damned. All who reject Jesus Christ and His gospel are under God’s wrath—and there are no exceptions (John 14:6).

To tell you the truth, I am still mulling over the following words from Camp’s blog:

Beloved, our lives are a vapor (James 4:11); we live once, we die once, and then the judgment (Heb. 9:27). So may I entreat those who do not know Christ to flee… flee to Him; and "flee from the wrath to come" (Matt. 3:7). Do not harden your heart while “today is called today” (Heb. 3:-4) and it be too late for you as it is for Saddam. Do not be contented by thinking you have already fled to Christ. Make certain! Beg the Lord to search your heart and show you yourself. Test yourself to see if you are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). And if not, repent of your sin, trust in Christ alone, through faith alone, by grace alone for the hope of the salvation of your souls (Roms. 3:21-26). Flee all other means to salvation whereby you may find some glory in your own works, deeds or religious practice. Come to the end of yourself--"deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him" (Matt. 16:24). "If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation" (Roms. 10:9-10).

Thanks, Steve, for this very biblical perspective on our world’s current events and a very personal exhortation to each and every reader, both saved and unsaved!

Related News Article:
New York Times

Friday, December 29, 2006


"Criminal Saddam was hanged to death," an al-Iraqiya announcer said. The station played patriotic music and showed images of national monuments and other landmarks. [Source: BBC News]
According to reports, Barzan al-Tikriti--Saddam's half-brother--and former Iraqi chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar were also hung alongside Saddam today, Saturday December 29, around 6:00AM (10:00PM EST) in Bahgdad.

My initial thoughts when hearing the news:

Justice is served!...(and I hope it hurt!!)

(...Now let the popular news media pundits begin their tongue-wagging!)

The looming question in my mind is this: How will the capture, conviction, and execution of Saddam Hussein impact the Presidency of George W. Bush in the scope of history? Or more presently: How will other nations view the United States in the shadow of Saddam's recent death?

My prediction is this: To answer my latter question, I think that many countries will praise the death of the murderer as a just punishment and the ultimate will of the People of Iraq. However, I doubt that much, if any credit will be given to the U.S., especially not to Bush.

To answer my prior question, however, contrary to all popular opinion, I still truly believe that George W. Bush will be remembered, hopefully even in my future grandchildren's history books, as one of the greatest and most courageous leaders of the 21st century, among the likes of other strong, modern Presidents such as FDR, JFK, and Reagan. Additionally, I think that the political and physical downfall of Saddam Hussein, the genocidal dictator, will only enhance the legacy of our nation's 43rd President.

In the eternal scheme of things, however, the end of the matter is as such: the One and only God of the Bible is a holy and just God! No matter how Saddam died, in order for us to understand his eternal fate, it is important for us to know how he lived. With this in mind, I rest assure knowing that Saddam Hussein is, at this very moment, facing God's righteous judgment and will pay for his sins against God in the fires of hell. As the author of Hebrews notes, “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (10:31)

This understanding of God causes me to both reverentially fear Him and take comfort in Him.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Related News Articles:
USA Today (1)
USA Today (2)
FOX News
BBC News
Yahoo News (1)
Yahoo News (2)
New York Daily News
Zee News Imam Husham Al-Husainy of Dearborn, Mich., second from left, celebrates with other Iraqi-Americans after hearing of Saddam Hussein's execution on Friday. By Gary Malerba, AP

Nota Bene: I plan to post more on this topic as further information comes to light. Additionally, I fully intend to post or link to the video and/or photographs of Saddam's hanging when either become available on the web.

Christians & Culture: Love, Death, & Weinerdogs

I read this blog a few days ago and was really struck by its truth. Here's a snippet of what he says:
As a people, we Christians have adopted one of the worst attributes of the anabaptist tradition, and that is a rather sincere disdain for things which are true and beautiful. Here's what I mean by that: we have set up a false dichotomy between "true" and "beautiful" so that anything which is "true" must be plain or otherwise homely, and everything which is "beautiful" must be the work of the devil because it appeals to our eyes and ears. And we have also let the world dictate to us what is "beautiful" so that we don't even know it when we see it anymore.

Read the rest of what Frank Turk of TeamPyro has to say about Christians and the Culture at the Pyromaniacs blog.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Three Letter Word

Here's another good post by Tim Challies. The funniest thing is that Paige and I were just recently discussing the same problem on which Tim sheds light here at Challies Dot Com.

As it has been said before, "How can you present the cure without first diagnosing the problem.

C'mon! It's time for churches to come back to calling it by name: sin.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas in Baxter Springs

My wife and I flew into Tulsa last night from Phoenix and drove up to see Paige's family for the holidays. They live in Baxter Springs, Kansas, which is about an hour and a half north of Tulsa and an hour west of Springfield, Missouri. There's a lot of history here in Baxter Springs. There was a Civil War battle (or skirmish) fought here; the former Route 66 passed through the town; and baseball legend Mickey Mantle was first spotted by a Yankees scout as he hit 3 homeruns for the Baxter Springs Whiz Kids at a ball field in the tiny town.

It's beautiful here in the Ozarks; so green compared to Phoenix! We're hoping for a white Christmas; not too sure why, though, because snow usually doesn't make life easier.

Anyway, I hope you all have a very blessed Christmas. From what I hear, "it's the most wonderful time of the year." I'll let each individual be the judge of that! But one thing is for sure: it is the perfect time to meditate on Jesus Christ--the baby that was born to die for the purpose of saving sinners like me. What wonder and mystery are wrapped up in the thought of His virgin birth and the fact that God took on the nature of man in order to save men from His wrath and their sin. As I think about Christmas this year, I see it as the beginning of the story. It's the Introduction and first chapters of the story of Christ's life, a life which was lived and given entirely for others. He was born and lived 33 years in the shadow of the cross. He was the greatest example of true service, humility, and love. And most importantly, in the thankful words of Philip Bliss, "Hallelujah, what a Savior!"

“The Noblest King”

The noblest King was born in a stable;
A blessed baby boy would later die for His people.
Raised in Nazareth, He was the Savior.
Though killed and abused, He was Creator!

We sing of Jesus Christ
Born that glorious night!
From Bethlehem God brought us
The world’s only Light.
O Prince of Peace, the Mighty God,
The King from David’s line;
Emmanuel, our true Messiah—
We sing of Jesus Christ.

“Glory to God!” sang the angels from heaven.
Incarnate Deity from Mary, God’s servant.
From shepherds to sages, the start guided many
To the place where he lay: the holy baby.

We sing of Jesus Christ
Born that glorious night!
From Bethlehem God brought us
The world’s only Light.
O Prince of Peace, the Mighty God,
The King from David’s line;
Emmanuel, our true Messiah—
We sing of Jesus Christ.

Unimaginable love that hung on a cross!
He gave us His life by giving His own.
From a crying little baby to Redeemer of many,
The noblest King died to win victory!

We sing of Jesus Christ
Born that glorious night!
From Bethlehem God brought us
The world’s only Light.
O Prince of Peace, the Mighty God,
The King from David’s line;
Emmanuel, our true Messiah—
We sing of Jesus Christ.

© David J. Giarrizzo, 2002

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mr. First Amendment?

Can someone PLEASE keep this man away from the microphone?!

Ya know, Sean Penn--no matter what anyone thinks of him as an actor--reminds me of a rebellious and ignorant 14 year old who thinks he knows more than mom and dad.

His latest public episode came at the Creative Coalition's 9th annual Christopher Reeve Awards Gala on December 18th in New York City. Penn was honored by the Creative Coalition as the spotlighted recipient of the Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award. To read his entire acceptance speech, go to (Warning: Be sure to have a barf-bag close by!)

In typical Sean Penn style, he spewed what may sound like great, passionate political rhetoric to the common Leftist's ear. However, the Oscar-winning actor's not-so-subtle feelings toward Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, and crew came across as loud and abnoxious as a giant-size chihuaha barking into a megaphone at 4 in the morning! And similar to the bark of a chichuaha, it's really difficult to understand what Sean Penn is really saying.

Yes, I know that he's pissed off about the war in Iraq. In fact, I think Sean Penn is the President of the anti-war club, a.k.a. "Hollywood."
And yes, he absolutely hates "Dubya" and "Trigger-finger Cheney" and the rest of the current administration.
And yes, he feels like a victim; most Lefties do.

But when it comes down to it, I don't think Sean Penn has a clue! He's all words--99.99% of which are based on conspiracy theories and personal opinions.
And who made Hollywood celebrities the political spokespersons of the Democratic party, anyway? To tell you the truth, if I was a sensible Democrat, I would cringe every time I saw another celebrity step up to a microphone to try to talk about politics. Especially Sean Penn! (If you're still confused about that which I write, just read for yourself:

My conclusion is this: Sean Penn needs to leave!...
...(We just need to figure out how to get Michael Moore, Tim & Susan, and Cindy Sheehan to go with him!)
So what do YOU think?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Robot Rights

Here's the latest from our friends across the pond on the technological science front: Robots deserve the same rights as humans!

Check out the story here.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Amazing Grace Movie...

Coming to theaters February 23, 2007, the story of God's Amazing Grace in the lives of John Newton, William Wilberforce, and countless others!

Check out the official movie website and spread the word about the film's release in 2 months!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Mt. Hood Tragedy

To see the video of Frank James, brother of Mt. Hood victim Kelly James, making a formal statement regarding the identification of their brother's body, click here.

Let us continue to keep the remaining climbers and all of the family members in our prayers.,2933,236983,00.html

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Ryan Ferguson recites Hebrews chapters 9 and 10

Check this out!...
Imagine if we all read God's Word with this much gusto and excitement!

Side Note: In my opinion, the term "Charismatic Christian" is redundant. We as the children of God and ambassadors for Christ should be charismatic about our calling!

This video is from the WorshipGod06 Conference Aug. 9-12, 2006. Ryan Ferguson is giving a memorized dramatic recitation of Hebrews 9 and 10 from the ESV Bible. God’s Word is powerful.

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version is copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Source: Fide-O


Eventually, it is my desire to post at length on the subject of education. Being an education major and former teacher myself, education and the philosophy thereof holds a dear place in my heart.

One of the things that my wife and I have talked about with regards to our future children (if/when God is pleased to give us children) is the way in which we educate our them--whether we will send them to public schools, private schools, or homeschool.

For now, however, I came across some very interesting articles by Tim Challies of Challies Dot Com. I would encourage you to take a look at his thoughts on why he and his wife have chosen not to homeschool their children. As he mentions, there is a lot of info out there on the reasons why Christians should homeschool their children, but not nearly as much on why Christians should not homeschool. At the very least, Challie's thoughts are thought-provoking! Take a look here: "Why I Do Not Homeschool."

Some other interesting posts on homeschooling from a homeschooler:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Peter Boyle/"Frank Barone" Dead at 71

This guy really made me laugh!

Here's the full story:,0,4889956.story

Save Yourself Some Money This Christmas

Democrats & Republicans

For My Democratic Friends:

"Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. We also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2007, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. And without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishes. By accepting these greetings you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for herself or himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher."

For My Republican Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"You Will Recognize Them By Their Fruits" ... PART I

Jesus Christ spoke about two types of trees: 1.) bad trees and 2.) good trees (Matthew 7:15-20). This discourse was a part of His well-known "Sermon on the Mount." Here Christ is speaking to His disciples, warning them of false prophets who will try to attack them. He explains that these false teachers will come dressed up in the clothing of true sheep, or believers, "but inwardly are ravenous wolves." And to describe the method by which the believer is to recognize these wolves, Christ remarks, "You will recognize them by their fruits."

John Gill comments on this passage: "The Jews have a proverb pretty much like this, "a gourd is known by its branches". The gloss upon it is, "it is, as if it was said, from the time it buds forth, and goes out of the branch, it is known whether it is good or not;'' i.e. the goodness of the gourd is known by the fruit its branches bear. So a good preacher is known by the good doctrine he brings, and a bad one, by his unsound doctrine."

Again, Gill on the subject:

The meaning of our Lord is, that from the false doctrines of men comes no good fruit of faith, holiness, joy, peace, and comfort. Their doctrines are like "thorns", which prick and pierce, give pain and uneasiness; and, like "thistles", choke, and are unprofitable, afford no solid food and nourishment; yea, their words eat as do a canker, are contrary to vital religion and powerful godliness. This sense I prefer; because, on the one hand, it is possible for a false teacher to do works, which may be externally good; though indeed no good works, properly speaking, can be performed by an unregenerate man, because he has neither good principles to act from, nor good ends in view: and, on the other hand, a man who is destitute of the grace of God, and lives ill, may yet have right notions of the Gospel, though he has no experimental knowledge and relish of it; but where false doctrines are imbibed, and propagated, no good fruit can follow upon it.

It follows, both textually and logically, that only a good tree bears good fruit and only a bad tree bears bad fruit. Notice, the tree that is good bears the fruit that is good. In saying this, the tree is good even before the bearing of any observable fruit. The fruit, when grown, does not make the tree good or bad. The tree, being either good or bad in the beginning produces fruit that is like the tree, good or bad. Again, Gill :

As a good man does, and will do good works, but his works do not make him a good man; he is so before he performs good works, or he would never be able to do them; these make him appear to be a good man: so a good preacher, that has an experimental knowledge of the doctrines of the Gospel, will deliver out sound doctrine, who is first made so by the gifts and graces of the Spirit of God; and by searching the Scriptures, and examining his doctrines by them, he will be known and appear to be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine; and such a good minister of the Gospel, out of the good treasure of Gospel truths put into his earthen vessel, will bring forth, from time to time, good and excellent truths, to the edification and profit of those that hear: "but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit"; if the tree is corrupt, the fruit will be corrupt; and as is the preacher, so will be his doctrines: if he is a corrupt preacher, or a man of a corrupt mind, destitute of the truth, his preaching will be such as will tend to corrupt both the principles and practices of men; for such evil men and seducers, out of the evil treasure of false doctrines, which they have received into their judgments, will bring forth, either more secretly or openly, evil tenets in their ministry, which prove of bad consequence to the souls of men.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


WELCOME TO MY NEW BLOG, "FRUITFUL LIFE." My name is David, and I am the publisher of this here weblog.

There will be a variety of posts on this blog on a variety of topics, but in everything, I want to encourage a spirit of love and respect in all that I post; and I would request the same from anyone who comments.
As Paul said in Ephesians 4:29, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

I hope you enjoy your visit to my simple little site and take advantage of some of the helpful links. May you grow in the grace of knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Thanks for stopping by!


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Smokey Subject?

Like smoke hovering in the sky, it seems to me that there is a continual cloud of discussion primarily amongst Christians in the air as of late.

It is a conversation on the subject and activity of smoking tobacco, namely cigars. Since this discussion exists, let me provide some of my own personal remarks, most of which (if not all) borrow from the thoughts and words of others.

I begin with a disclaimer (although, as I have learned in the past, even my disclaimers can upset people):
This post is merely one man's opinion. I do not intend to correct, rebuke, encourage, or persuade anyone on the matter of smoking cigars or pipes (From here on, I will refer to the two collectively as cigars or tobacco.). I am simply writing to express my thoughts about smoking.

Let me start by addressing the general anti-smoking hysteria of modern times. It seems that everywhere you look: on billboards, television, newspapers, magazines, websites, etc., there is a conscious effort to discourage people from smoking. (Admittedly, most of these ads are directed at cigarette smoking; however, they can apply to all tobacco use, as well.)

This anti-tobacco propaganda is a reaction based upon recent studies conducted during the past decade or two which make scientific, medically-proven claims about the dangers of tobacco use and the harmful effects of second-hand smoking. While many of the findings of these medical studies are reliable, individuals and organizations have taken these studies and blown them out of proportion, utilizing the specific medical findings in their wide-sweeping, anti-smoking arguments. (For further reading on the anti-smoking trend, read this insightful and frightening article by Dennis Prager.)

I have come into contact with at least three groups of people who oppose the sale and use of tobacco. First, some of these individuals are former tobacco smokers who possess personal vendettas against the tobacco companies for the years they smoked cigarettes without knowledge of any major health ramifications such as lung, mouth, and throat cancer, as well as a series of heart and blood problems. These people seek some sort of revenge or justice. Other society members have jumped on the anti-smoking bandwagon because they have known someone, possibly a friend or relative, who has suffered great physical harm, even death, due in part to the effects of living a life of cigarette smoking. These people are motivated partly by a desire to protect humanity, but also potentially to stick it to the man, the man in this case being the tobacco companies. The third group of people I have encountered consist of religious folk, many of them professing evangelical Christians. These people oppose all tobacco use on the grounds of what they consider Biblical doctrine. Arguments based on notions such as "the body is a temple" and "do not be a stumbling block to the weaker brethren" abound within this anti-smoking group. But again, this group seeks only to promote physical and spiritual welfare within the human community.

All of this modern anti-smoking madness, however, has very little to due with tobacco use in the form of occasional cigar or pipe smoking. I am a tobacco user. I love both good cigars and pipes. Like many of us, I have known people who have suffered physically and/or emotionally from the over-use of tobacco. I have known people who have died young from lung cancer after years of cigarette addiction. And I have heard of individuals who have likewise died of lung cancer without ever taking a puff of a cigarette.

So where's the rub?

The root problem lies not in the occasional consumption of tobacco, but in the over-use; the habit; the addiction.

Tobacco: Tumor-causing, teeth-staining, smelly, puking habit.

Sure. One could make this claim. But it is an appeal to the emotions. One could make a similar claim about other common commodities. Take Starbucks coffee, for example. If one drinks enough of it, I'm sure a double-shot, venti caramel macchiato could cause tumors, stain teeth, make the breath smell bad, and make one vomit, too. How about Coca-Cola? Same thing.

The point is this, and we've heard it before: Everything in moderation.

Whether the item be a La Gloria Cubana, an iced Frappuccino, a Diet Mountain Dew, Cheeto's, Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough, or Baileys on the rocks, remember one thing: moderation.

Now I understand that there are indeed other issues that can come into play for the Bible-believing Christian, one such issue being the matter of the conscience. For example, if I know that my Christian brother, Joe Schmo, is constrained by his conscience not to partake in the consumption of ice cream due to his past problem with gluttony, as the stronger brother (Romans 14-15) I am obligated by Scripture to abstain from ice cream in Joe's presence. However, outside of Joe's presence, I am granted the liberty by Scripture and my own conscience to eat my ice cream, even if Joe knows I am doing so. And according to the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans, brother Joe must not attempt to bind my conscience in the consumption of ice cream or despise me; nor should I flaunt my spiritual liberty or look down on him. In this mutual understanding, brothers and sisters in Christ should remain at peace with one another. In theory, I suppose.

This subject of Christian liberty plays a major role in the issue of cigar smoking. While at the same time, addiction (or most often, the lack of self-discipline/control) is another part of the equation. The matter of addiction is a serious one and should be dealt with biblically. However, let me just note that according to statistics, the amount of people who smoke cigars and are addicted to them, are very, very few compared to the number of people who smoke cigars for pleasure and recreation.

Which leads me to another major idea: the activity of smoking cigars is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable activities known to man. (I did mention that this is my opinion, correct?!) Cigar smoking is an activity that can be engaged in exclusive of anything else, and it is also an activity which can be easily accompanied by a number of other leisurely activities: golfing, camping, driving, hunting, walking, boating, reading, playing board games, contemplating, bird-watching, and my favorite: theologue-ing.

Cigar smoking accompanied by the discussion of theology is a time-old tradition, especially among reformed individuals. This is due in part to the influence of the pipe-smoking, White Horse Tavern Puritans upon the modern-day reformed community, formalized by the greatest theologian of the 19th Century, Charles H. Spurgeon, and contemporized by great thinkers and writers like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien and others. Thus, for centuries, smoking and theology have gone hand-in-hand. Today still, cigars are precious to many members of the reformed community. They remain a symbol of our reformed heritage, our God-given liberties, and a wonderful pastime!

In closing, avoid the current anti-tobacco craze, and allow yourself to muse over the following two poems celebrating God's creation, the tobacco leaf.

Great Poem by Bach:

Whene'er I take my pipe and stuff it
And smoke to pass the time away

My thoughts, as I sit there and puff it,

Dwell on a picture sad and grey:

It teaches me that very like

Am I myself unto my pipe.

Like me this pipe, so fragrant burning,

Is made of naught but earthen clay;
o earth I too shall be returning,

And cannot halt my slow decay.

My well used pipe, now cracked and broken,

Of mortal life is but a token.

No stain, the pipe's hue yet doth darken;

It remains white.
Thus do I know

That when to death's call I must harken

My body, too, all pale will grow.

To black beneath the sod 'twill turn,

Likewise the pipe, if oft it burn.

Or when the pipe is fairly glowing,

Behold then instantaneously,

The smoke off into thin air going,

'Til naught but ash is left to see.
Man's fame likewise away will burn

And unto dust his body turn.

How oft it happens when one's smoking,

The tamper's missing from it's shelf,

And one goes with one's finger poking

Into the bowl and burns oneself.

If in the pipe such pain doth dwell
How hot must be the pains of Hell!

Thus o'er my pipe in contemplation

Of such things - I can constantly

Indulge in fruitful meditation,
And so, puffing contentedly,

On land, at sea, at home, abroad,

I smoke my pipe and worship God.

Johann Sebastian Bach - 1725 (1685-1750)
From: The Second Little Clavier Book For Anna Magdalena Bach

Smoking Spiritualized
by Ralph Erskine

This Indian weed now witherd quite,
Tho green at noon, cut down at night,

Shows thy decay;

All flesh is hay.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

The pipe so lily-like and weak,
Does thus thy mortal state bespeak.

Thou art ev'n such,

Gone with a touch.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And when the smoke ascends on high,
Then thou beholdst the vanity

Of worldly stuff,

Gone with a puff.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And when the pipe grows foul within,
Think on thy soul defild with sin;

For then the fire,

It does require.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And seest the ashes cast away;
Then to thyself thou mayest say

That to the dust

Return thou must.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

Was this small plant for thee cut down?

So was the plant of great renown;

Which mercy sends

For nobler ends.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

Doth juice medicinal proceed
From such a naughty foreign weed?

Then whats the pow'r

Of Jesse's flow'r?

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

The promise, like the pipe, inlays,
And by the mouth of faith conveys

What virtue flows

From Sharon's rose.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

In vain th unlighted pipe you blow;
Your pains in inward means are so,

Till heav'nly fire

Thy heart inspire.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

The smoke, like burning incense tow'rs
So should a praying heart of yours,

With ardent cries,

Surmount the skies.

Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

Further Resources:

Check out this interesting story about Billy Graham:

Spurgeon's famous thoughts on cigar smoking.

A political take on smoking:

American Cancer Society's information on cigar smoking: thread on cigars, etc.

Terrible sermon here on smoking as a sin.

Here is a terrific article on the inferring of sin.

Steve Camp:
There may be many good reasons not to practice birth control, smoke cigars, charge interest, grow huckleberries, listen to the Beatles, drink Bushmill's Irish whiskey, dance at weddings, drive a convertible, send your daughters to Ivy League colleges, sport Afros, invest in mutual funds, play the slots in Las Vegas, watch R-rated movies, learn to whittle, or wear linen sport coats but none of those reasons have any inherent bearing on sin. If you cannot practice these things in good conscience, then don't practice them (Rom. 14:23). Just don't criticize Christians who do practice them.

Click here for an ARBCA elder's blog thoughts on cigar smoking.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Terrorism & the Media

I think it is interesting how the news media at times seems to have such a double standard. Sometimes it seems that the media is quick to vilify America's own citizens for voicing opinions about Islamic terrorists, while at the same time, these terrorists are kidnapping and beheading American citizens.

One example of the media's negative treatment of America would be the way it dragged the entire U.S. military through the mud following the terrible Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Given--that was a dark day for the United States military; however, it was a horrible, one-time event, and not a daily occurrence. And while the news stations were airing "questions and concerns" about the validity of the War on Terror and America's interrogation strategies, Americans around the world were (and still are) being captured, tortured, and brutally executed at the hands of the very same Muslim terrorists that the news media was sympathizing with.

And when the Pope voices his own opinions and concerns about Islamic violence and terrorism, we see Muslims around the world rioting and fighting and bombing places. That's exactly what I'm talking about here. Does it make logical sense that so many of these Muslims react with hate and violence to the Pope saying that Islam is a religion of hate and violence? Absolutely not! And yet the global news organizations immediately begin to question the Pope's comments and say little about the terrible world-wide reaction of a great part of the Islamic community.

Why is it that some people in the media say that these foreign, psychotic murderers deserve equal treatment as American citizens, or even war criminals, when it is obvious that this is not a formal war between countries in which the Geneva Convention should apply? Our terrorist-enemies do not play fair! There can be no leveling of the playing field here. America is a moral, civilized, humanitarian nation, and these terrorists hate her and her citizens for being such. They live in a civilization that is still acting upon medieval principles. And yet, too often I hear American and British news organizations depicting America in a negative light. Excuse me?...What about all of the those cold-blooded killers who attacked our vulnerable country back in September of 2001, killed nearly 3000 of our citizens, and continues killing Americans and our allies every day across the ocean?! Why are they not depicted in a more negative light? We need to understand that terrorism is not something that is going to go away if we try to ignore it. Hopefully it won't take another attack like the one in Madrid to teach the Spanish that lesson!

NOW I AM NOT CATEGORIZING ALL FOLLOWERS OF MOHAMMED AS "TERRORISTS." NOT AT ALL! I KNOW THAT A VAST MAJORITY OF MUSLIMS ARE PEACEFUL PEOPLE. However, American news media should not be afraid to call the rightful enemy by their proper name: radical, Islamo-facist terrorist-killers. And let Christians everywhere be bold enough to stand against the spread of Islam, which traditionally is a religion of violence, and attempt to win these zealous people to Christ via the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

In conclusion, I only wish that more Muslims around the world--especially in the Middle East--would take a stand against these terrorists! Why is the War on Terror a fight between America (and allies such as Great Britain, Japan, etc.) and Islamic terrorists, and not a war between EVERY country (including Middle Eastern nations) and terrorism? And why doesn't the news media be a little more supportive of the very democracy which gives it the right to speak freely?!

Please add your thoughts, comments, questions, and disagreements. These things help make America a great democracy. Thanks!

For a great post on the Pope VS. Islam, visit my friend Casey's blog at

"...Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."