Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Alistair Begg, Prayer Request

It has been recently reported that Pastor Alistair Begg has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Here is his personal note on Truth For Life's webpage.

For many of us, Alistair Begg has been used of God to minister to our hearts and minds. Let us pray that God will heal and protect Pastor Begg physically and encourage him so that he may continue the important work to which God has set him!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

"I'll Love You on Sundays"

I’ll love you on Sundays
But tomorrow is Monday
And Mondays are rough days
And love is the last thing on my mind during football.

I’ll love you on Sundays
But Tuesday’s still early
In the week and at work:
I’m so tired and stressed out I don’t have love to give.

I’ll love you on Sundays
But it’s hard when it’s Hump-day
And my spouse calls from home
Wanting my love when I’m feeling out of love already.

I’ll love you on Sundays
If Thursday is easy
But if the house keeps falling down
I still may not be loving by the time it is Sunday.

I’ll love you on Sundays
And maybe Fridays and holidays
When my spirits are happy
And I’m not thinkin’ about my job, my boss, or yard.

I’ll love you on Sundays
If Saturday’s a good day,
But if Saturday’s a dump-day
It will be awfully hard to show much love at church.

I’ll love you on Sundays
At most, but that’s it!
Because the week’s full of work
And there’s so little time to love, but I’ll try to be nice.

© David J. Giarrizzo
January 30, 2005

Monday, February 05, 2007

Cultural Contradictions...

Robin over at Cigar Theology posted a very thought-provoking citation from a book by Edward Donnelly entitled Heaven and Hell.

Here's the excerpt:

"Contemporary society is in a state of ethical chaos. Imagine a group of young professionals enjoying a meal in any big-city restaurant. Not an eyebrow will be raised if someone mentions that they have recently had an abortion. A reference by another to their same-sex partner will elicit no disapproval. But if one of the party were to light a cigarette in a no-smoking section of the restaurant? Shock, horror, unanimous disgust! Is exhaling tobacco smoke more reprehensible than sexual perversion or killing an unborn child? Are such people competent to make moral judgments, to decide how God should deal with sin?They cannot even distinguish between wickedness and bad manners." (pg 25)

Dennis Prager once discussed a similar topic on his radio show when he posed the hypothetical question to parents: "If your child were addicted to one or the other, which would you rather your child be addicted to--television or tobacco?" (paraphrased). He said that a great number of parents that he spoke with on this topic were quick to respond with "Television."


What do YOU think?!

Birth Control

I have come to realize that this subject is much more controversial among Protestant Evangelicals than I originally thought! But whatever your opinion on the topic of birth control, here's another good read by Tim Challies.

I would say that this post is more of a discussion-starter than any kind of comprehensive answer. And with that in mind, I think Tim does a fair job of opening another can of worms!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

C.S. Lewis on Love

My good friend Stephen over at Vigilant Studios recently posted this C. S. Lewis poem on the topic of love. I liked it, so I thought I would link to it.
Check out his site when you have a chance. He's got a lot of cool stuff there, especially his photography and design work.

Happy Lord's Day!
"...Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."