Friday, December 15, 2006


Eventually, it is my desire to post at length on the subject of education. Being an education major and former teacher myself, education and the philosophy thereof holds a dear place in my heart.

One of the things that my wife and I have talked about with regards to our future children (if/when God is pleased to give us children) is the way in which we educate our them--whether we will send them to public schools, private schools, or homeschool.

For now, however, I came across some very interesting articles by Tim Challies of Challies Dot Com. I would encourage you to take a look at his thoughts on why he and his wife have chosen not to homeschool their children. As he mentions, there is a lot of info out there on the reasons why Christians should homeschool their children, but not nearly as much on why Christians should not homeschool. At the very least, Challie's thoughts are thought-provoking! Take a look here: "Why I Do Not Homeschool."

Some other interesting posts on homeschooling from a homeschooler:

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"...Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."