Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mr. First Amendment?

Can someone PLEASE keep this man away from the microphone?!

Ya know, Sean Penn--no matter what anyone thinks of him as an actor--reminds me of a rebellious and ignorant 14 year old who thinks he knows more than mom and dad.

His latest public episode came at the Creative Coalition's 9th annual Christopher Reeve Awards Gala on December 18th in New York City. Penn was honored by the Creative Coalition as the spotlighted recipient of the Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award. To read his entire acceptance speech, go to (Warning: Be sure to have a barf-bag close by!)

In typical Sean Penn style, he spewed what may sound like great, passionate political rhetoric to the common Leftist's ear. However, the Oscar-winning actor's not-so-subtle feelings toward Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, and crew came across as loud and abnoxious as a giant-size chihuaha barking into a megaphone at 4 in the morning! And similar to the bark of a chichuaha, it's really difficult to understand what Sean Penn is really saying.

Yes, I know that he's pissed off about the war in Iraq. In fact, I think Sean Penn is the President of the anti-war club, a.k.a. "Hollywood."
And yes, he absolutely hates "Dubya" and "Trigger-finger Cheney" and the rest of the current administration.
And yes, he feels like a victim; most Lefties do.

But when it comes down to it, I don't think Sean Penn has a clue! He's all words--99.99% of which are based on conspiracy theories and personal opinions.
And who made Hollywood celebrities the political spokespersons of the Democratic party, anyway? To tell you the truth, if I was a sensible Democrat, I would cringe every time I saw another celebrity step up to a microphone to try to talk about politics. Especially Sean Penn! (If you're still confused about that which I write, just read for yourself:

My conclusion is this: Sean Penn needs to leave!...
...(We just need to figure out how to get Michael Moore, Tim & Susan, and Cindy Sheehan to go with him!)
So what do YOU think?

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