Friday, March 30, 2007

Blair's Stand: "No Quid Pro Quo"

While Britain is no Israel, at least they are willing to stand their ground for their captured soldiers in Iran.

(Israel would have already rescued their soldiers, bombed the heck out of Tehran just to teach them a lesson, and hopefully killed Ahmadinejad in the process!)

15 Royal Navy personnel were captured by the Iranian government last week based upon faulty charges by the Iranians that the sailors were illegally inside Iranian waterways. Britain's Ministry of Defense can prove otherwise.

Now Iran wants to charge the sailors with espionage, an offense punishable by execution.

Now it is time for the prisoners to be released. Iran is an extremist regime led by a wacked-out Muslim terrorist and they have no right to hold the British sailors. I'm hoping that if the prisoners are not released promptly, Blair sends in the SAS to get them. I would like to think that we would do similar for our soldiers.

"The important thing for us is to get them back safe and sound, but we can't enter into some basis of bargaining," Blair said. "What you have to do when you are engaged with people like the Iranian regime, you have to keep explaining to them, very patiently, what it is necessary to do and at the same time make them fully aware there are further measures that will be taken if they're not prepared to be reasonable.

"What you can't do is end up negotiating over hostages; end up saying there's some quid pro quo or tit for tat; that's not acceptable," he said.

Let us remember these British soldiers in prayer, as we should all service men and women who defend the freedom of America and democracy worldwide.

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