Amidst the popular news media's continual assaults against the war in Iraq, there are those few sages who properly speak out in favor of the US troops and their important mission.
Liz Cheney is one of those spokespersons for freedom.
In her article in the Washington Post, she addresses the incessant anti-war propaganda spouted off by...well, just about everyone on the Left and in the media (and now even some Republicans, too!). The following are some of her astute observations about this war we are in.
- Quitting helps the terrorists.
- Beware the polls.
- Retreat from Iraq hurts us in the broader war.
- Our soldiers will win if we let them. Read their blogs. Talk to them. They know that free people must fight to defend their freedom.
- We must be in it to win.
In the mind of the terrorist, this war began well before September the 11th, and will not end until their radical vision is fulfilled. And these past five years have given us a much clearer view of the nature of this enemy. Al Qaeda and its followers are Sunni extremists, possessed by hatred and commanded by a harsh and narrow ideology. Take almost any principle of civilization, and their goal is the opposite. They preach with threats, instruct with bullets and bombs, and promise paradise for the murder of the innocent.
This war is more than a clash of arms -- it is a decisive ideological struggle, and the security of our nation is in the balance.
But our nation's Lefties, along with the popular news media, do not understand this fact: that America is not fighting a national people but an ideology! The Islamo-facist against whom we wage war hates us--not because of anything we did to them, but because it is a part of their religious worldview to hate the Infidel!
And this is why America cannot hesitate, slack off, or give up in its fight against these terrorists who have held Iraq--and much of the Middle East--hostage for far too long.
Ladies and gentlemen: On this day, at this hour, it is still within our power to shape the outcome of this battle. Let us find our resolve, and turn events toward victory.
Amen, Mr. President. AMEN!
Let the political pundits and common bandwagoneers (some with whom I am personally acquainted) say what they will. But at the end of the day, after the car bombs cease and the dust settles again in Baghdad, I believe that President Bush will be positively remembered for his lonely stand to defend the freedom of the Iraqi people and to ensure America's continued protection from terrorism.
At least the Iraqis will thank him.
For some well-written thoughts on the importance of the war against terrorism, read the following articles:
"No Third Way in Iraq"
"Turning Surge into Victory"
Here is a site with some pictures from the war. [Warning: Some of these photos are graphic!]
I wonder if Senator McCain heard the President's speech? He is such a RINO man =)
Good point, Casey! Thanks for the comments!!
Nice thoughts my friend- its times like these that one truely finds what defines a decision. To some a decision is merely a choice made at a time where that decision is popular. To otheres it is a fervant, unswerving dedication to a cause regardless of what is popular. Staying the course isn't always easy, but when its the right course of action, its the right course of action. I get so tired of the criticism that the Reps are receiving from the Dems... its so open-ended and easy to do. Why doesn't someone offer a plan as to how they would do it better at least? Merely 'pulling out' will solve nothing, in fact that single action would nullify the entire good that has been achieved thus far.
You're absolutely right, Stephen! The saddest thing is, it's not just the Dems criticizing the Republicans; it's even REPUBLICANS who are criticizing Republicans!...
I think we need some major political players to stand up and speak out in favor of the war. More than just Bush cronies, but some different, yet influential voices.
(I'll get back to you when I figure out who those individuals might be!)
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