Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Robot Rights

Here's the latest from our friends across the pond on the technological science front: Robots deserve the same rights as humans!

Check out the story here.


rustypth said...

if there ever comes a day where robots start demanding rights, I honestly don't think I could it to them for one simple reason: they are not created in the image of God. Secondly, they are artificial human lifeforms. They are not real life. Those Brits, so silly sometimes =)

David & Paige said...

Amen, Rusty! As I'm sure some would debate, no created objects, save human beings, have been created in God's image, and thus, no other being possesses an eternal soul. This fact alone sets humans apart from any other living existence. This is why organizations like PETA are so off-the-mark: They give the same value to animal life that they give to human life. No wonder our culture sometimes seems more preoccupied with saving baby penguins in Antarctica than it does with saving the lives of it's own unborn offspring.

...But what can we expect from the darkened minds of men?!

Thanks for the comment!!

rustypth said...

Haha, sounds like someone recently saw Happy Feet??? =)


David & Paige said...

you betcha!!

"...Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."