Thursday, August 16, 2007


Again, Tim Challies posts another quality blog. This time Tim introduces a discussion on a not-so-popular topic in modern society.

It is the topic of Hell.

Although many evangelical churches may shy away from mentioning the reality of hell in today's feel-good, consumer-friendly world, Challies rightfully notes in his blog, " is good and healthy to think about hell." He continues with this: "It would not be healthy to think about it too much or to have a long and deep-seating fascination with it, but because God has revealed to us that there is such a place and because He has seen fit to give us a glimpse of it, it does us good to pay attention."

I encourage you to read the rest of his post here. As you think on such a weighty truth as Hell, consider this important reminder:

"Life is short;
Death is certain;
Hell is real;
But Jesus saves!"

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"...Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."